bio picture
  • Welcome!!

    So glad you're here! I'd like to tell you a bit about myself. I have been married to my wonderful husband for 18 years and we have two beautiful daughters, ages 13 and 15. I attended Columbia College and received a degree in Graphic Design. I worked as a graphic design manager for 7 years at the Illinois CPA Society where I designed their Magazine INSIGHT. My love for photography was always there but had to wait...

    On April 28, 2008 my daughter who was then almost 3 was diagnosed with ALL a form of Leukemia. As you can imagine that was a life changing moment to say the least. Through all the tears and heartache of watching your daughter go through intense chemotherapy and missing out on so many things—I have learned to treasure memories even more then ever. I just love
    taking precious pictures of children and families—the idea that these pictures will be looked
    at for generations to come is such an honor to me!!

    So here I am doing something I LOVE—capturing beautiful moments!

    If you’d like to receive new blog entries through email be sure to subscribe with the link above. Thanks!

    Amy Marshall
    Photographer & Graphic Designer


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    M A M photos and designs

m i n i ~sessions 2019

Happy 2019!!! Now  b o o k i n g  mini sessions for the year! Next up Sweetheart Mini’s on February 2nd!

Also don’t forget to book your Senior and 1st communion sessions!

2019 MINI sessions
~ 175
Short and sweet! Themed mini sessions are 25-30 minute session which includes a viewing gallery of 15-20 images and a digital download with print release.
$25 Retainer Fee Upon Booking
DVD available for $15

Sweetheart mini ~ February 2nd
St. Patty’s mini
~ February 24th
Easter mini ~ April 6th & 7th
LEMONADE stand mini ~
June 29th
BEACH mini
($225) ~ July 13th/14th
FAMILY/back-to-school mini ~ August 11th
PUMPKIN Patch mini ~  September 28th
FALL FAMILY mini ~ October 5th
CHRISTMAS mini (outdoor) ~ November 2nd/3rd
CHRISTMAS mini (studio) ~ November 16th/17th

~Dates subject to change due to weather~
Call or text to schedule!!!

Thank you!



S p r i n g ~ p l e a s e !

Hello and happy S p r i n g !!
Looks like we are done with snow ~ thank goodness!

I can’t wait for summer!!!
It’s not too late to book your first communion or senior pictures!!
Also MAM gift cards make a WONDERFUL Mother’s day gift!!! YEAH


MOMMY and ME mini sessions MAY 19th:

BOHO styled Beach mini sessions JULY 28th:


Thank you!
Amy 708.670.1494





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